6:06 PM

Crazy Deal

Some of you may be familiar with the super deep V wheels that I sell from time to time. I always try to sell my stuff for as close to what I get em for as possible. The point is to be able to get what I need for cheap (by buying in bulk) and just letting the rest go. A few months ago though, I got a call from some local vendors who weren't happy with my prices and so I stopped selling em. Anyways, I was searching around today and found this site: www.BikePartsMart.com

I am in no way associated with these guys, I just found their wheel deal to be ridiculously good so i had to share.

here's the URL for their deal: http://www.bikepartsmart.com/featured/single-speed-track-fixed-gear-deep-v-wheelset-wheels.html

and here's the screen shot in case it gets taken down by angry sellers. If any of you reading have dealt with them please let me know how it went.